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🐱 Drvms Bot 🐱
The Fun and Musical bot for Discord.
Music Commands 🐱

- play
- stop
- queue
- pause
- skip
- resume

General Commands 🐱

- help
- avatar
- userinfo
- serverinfo
- servericon
- about

Fun Commands 🐱

- meme
- howdumb
- 8ball
- say

Interaction Commands 🐱

- kiss
- hug
- pat
- kill
- run
- sad
- happy

Moderation Commands 🐱

- clear
- ban
- kick
- setprefix

And such more commands that we are developing!

Need Help? 🔥
- Join support server |
- Visit website |

- Made by ItsMeGatito#0001 and Rdap#5977
- PD: We love the cats 🐱❤️

Commands: Acerca de
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